Strengthening Local Impact
Our Community Investment model is evolving to ensure every dollar and every partnership goes further for our neighbors, ensuring we’re united in our goal to uplift ALICE children and their families. Aligned with our 2030 Impact Agenda, the adjusted Community Investments model will:
Promote strategic partnerships
Optimize resources to best support each region
Improve transparency for stronger community outcomes

Applying for Community Investments in 2025?
We want to make the application process as smooth as possible for you! Important dates to remember:
January 15, 2025: Grant portal opens and office hours begin
February 5, 2025: Deadline for pre-application/LOI submission
February 27, 2025: Deadline for full application submission by 5:00pm (EST)
March 2025: Volunteer grant reviewers begin review of applications
June 2025: Grant award announcements
July 1, 2025: Award dispersal to grant recipients begins!

Community Investments Office Hours
Throughout the application process, we hold an open Zoom meeting every Tuesay and Thursday from 11 am – 12 pm. Register here so we can help you every step of the way.
Volunteer to Drive Impact
You play a critical role in our inclusive funding process. Volunteers judge, score, and recommend how much money is invested in the organizations and programs we fund. Join us!
→ Volunteer Grant Reviewer
Using your unique community perspective, provide an impartial and objective review for all applications. This is about a 10 hour commitment over three months.
→ Committee Member
Make final funding recommendations based on reviews and scoring from volunteer grant reviewers.

Accomplish your goals and measure your outcomes!
As part of the 2025-2026 Community Investments process, applicants will be asked to identify outcomes they will measure and assess. Please reference and utilize these tools, as they are designed in alignment with the 3 Impact Goals of United Way of Greater Chattanooga’s 2030 Impact Agenda: Opportunities for All Children, Economic Mobility for Families, and A More Connected community.
Webinars to Watch
2-Generation Info Webinar
The 2-Generational Framework is critical to the new focus we are taking in our work and Community Investments process! See our joint webinar with the Aspen Institute to learn more.
Community Investments Process Changes
This webinar highlights what’s changing this upcoming cycle. We’re focusing our investment to make deeper impact together. Don’t miss this overview!
Grant Application Training
This webinar goes over everything our grant applicants need to know regarding the 2025-2026 cycle. Our team covers our new focus, frequently asked questions, and resources!
Current Funded Partners
Our funded partners were selected through a community-led review process. Dedicated volunteers evaluated and identified the local collaborations and approaches that will create a lasting impact. We’re proud to support the following nonprofits through the 2024 – 2025 grant cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions
Which Community Investments applications am I able to apply for in the 2025-26 cycle?
Hamilton County– Impact Collaborative, Bridge, Catalyst Accelerator
Walker, Dade, Catoosa Counties– Bridge, Catalyst Accelerator
Marion, Sequatchie Counties– No opportunities at current time
What makes the Impact Collaborative different than the current Impact Fund?
Impact Collaborative
This 3-year collaborative cohort invests in transformative collaborations that address complex, intergenerational issues for ALICE households with children. Organizations applying for Impact Collaborative must have 1 or more full-time staff members and should be prepared to designate a staff member to participate in a collaborative cohort and lead reporting for your organization (both quarterly). Funds must be used for programs or services primarily serving residents of Hamilton County.
Eligible Counties: Hamilton
Projected Average: ~$75,000 to $125,000 annually
What are the expectations of Bridge Fund applicants?
Bridge Funds support programming of organizations helping to meet the emergency and basic needs of 211 callers referred to them. A one-year funding period, dollars will go primarily toward client needs, as well as admin expenses to support overhead. 211 closed-loop referral partners will be prioritized. Bridge Funds may continue to be received alongside Impact or Catalyst grants.
Eligible Counties: Hamilton, Walker, Dade, Catoosa
Projected Average: ~$35,000
How can I tell if my nonprofit is eligible to apply for 2025-26 Community Investments?
Start by reviewing our application guidelines. For more details, watch a webinar here.
What makes the Catalyst Accelerator different from the current Catalyst funds?
The Catalyst Accelerator invests in pilots or scaling programs that provide an innovative solution for ALICE households with children, encouraging collaboration and a two-generational approach. We are no longer funding capacity building, but will continue to support/provide opportunities via our Nonprofit Support & Innovation. Strong preference will be given to applicants showing clear collaboration with one or more organizations. Funding period continues to remain one-year, you can apply for both Impact & Catalyst simultaneously but cannot receive both simultaneously.
Eligible Counties: Hamilton, Walker, Dade, Catoosa
Projected Average: Max Funding Request is $50,000
I want to learn more about the ‘why’ behind United Way’s Community Investments focus. Where can I start?
We’re glad you asked! Digging in to our UWGC 2030 Impact Agenda is a great starting point. Here are some others:
ALICE Resources:
– United Way of Greater Chattanooga ALICE Insights
– ALICE data Tennessee and Georgia
–Slide Deck, Resources List, Webinar
Collaboration: Check out some exciting opportunities to connect with your colleagues across the sector on our Nonprofit Support & Innovation page and make sure you’re signed up to receive our monthly newsletter.
All of these resources get into the WHY behind our refined focus on supporting ALICE families in our region.
How can United Way of Greater Chattanooga support my organization beyond the dollar?
There will always be a seat at our table for nonprofits in our region. As we continue to work to bolster 211 services in our 15-county footprint, we will also continue to offer training and resources for capacity building and innovation. Check out our Nonprofit Support & Innovation page and join our monthly newsletter to stay in the know. In addition, you can post volunteer opportunities at, as well as participate in Day of Caring, list job opportunities on our Nonprofit Support Job Board, or register for an ALICE @ Work Cohort to learn more about how you can better support employees facing financial hardship.
Where will money raised from Marion & Sequatchie counties be designated at the end of the 2024-25 cycle?
All dollars raised in a county, stay in a county. Beginning July 1, 2026, funds will be directed to our 211 helpline and Emergency Assistance fund. Nonprofits in Marion & Sequatchie counties can access 211 and Emergency Assistance funds by calling, emailing, or texting our 211 team. You can also visit for our 24/7 online resource directory.
How can I be involved in the new CI process?
Become a Volunteer Grant Reviewer. Share your interest here and we’ll follow-up with you.
Can I apply for CI funds from more than one funding stream?
So long as your county is eligible and your request aligns with the 2030 Impact Agenda priorities, you can apply for all funding streams. You cannot, however, receive Impact and Catalyst funds simultaneously.
Contact Us
Questions? We’re here for you! Please email our Community Investments team at [email protected].