United Way of Greater Chattanooga Grant Application Opening Soon

by | Feb 3, 2023 | In The News, Press Release | 0 comments

Open, competitive, and inclusive process means an opportunity for all.

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (Jan 6, 2022) – Last year, 62 nonprofits received $4.4 million in grants from United Way of Greater Chattanooga (UWGC) to better serve our neighbors in an innovative and impactful way. A complete re-imagination of the process, UWGC’s new grants process is now a reality. With any 501(c)(3) able to apply for funding, UWGC saw over 100 applications across the 6-county region, many of which were newly invested partners. On the heels of an exciting year, UWGC is hopeful that the process will be even stronger and more inclusive in the 2023-2024 cycle.

This year, applications will open January 23rd, 2023. Grant funding supports nonprofits located in Hamilton, Sequatchie, and Marion Counties in Tennessee and Walker, Dade and Catoosa Counties in Georgia. United Way provides annual grants through a competitive proposal process to impactful organizations that address our community’s interconnected challenges within the Steps to Success Framework. All grant applications will be assessed through a community-led review process, in which dedicated volunteers evaluate and identify the local collaborations and approaches that can create a lasting transformation.

There are three application stages:

  • Pre-Applications: Open January 23rd to February 3rd
  • Full Application Deadline for Impact and/or Catalyst Funds: February 28th
  • Notification emails: Late May

The purpose of UWGC’s Community Investments is to drive transformational change in our community by directing resources towards data-driven efforts that deliver results as measured by education, stability, and health & well-being. If you’re a nonprofit in our area aiming to be a part of this work, please apply or learn more at unitedwaycha.org/communityinvestments. To see UWGC’s 2022-2023 funded partners, visit Community Partners – United Way Chattanooga.