Speaker Stephanie Hoopes
National Director of United for ALICE
Stephanie Hoopes, PhD, joins the conference as a United Way expert on the ALICE population (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). About 44% of families in Greater Chattanooga fall below the ALICE threshold.
Stephanie speaks to her own research as well as how local efforts like our United for Working Families initiative can address systemic gaps that leave so many behind.
Thank you, Stephanie!
United for Working Families
Thank You Carol Berz

The late Dr. Carol Berz was chairwoman of the Statewide Women’s Policy Conference and a founding member of the Mayor’s Council for Women. She used her gifts as a mediator, legal expert, and true public servant with all, including at one of our very own Changemakers events in the fall of 2024. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Dr. Berz for being a trailblazer and advocate in this community. This year’s Women’s Policy Conference honors her legacy by continuing the work she always believed in!
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