The Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga (JFGC) recently received Innovation/Capacity-building funding through our Community Investment process for a new program called Streaming to Deter Social Isolation. This health and wellness-focused program is muti-layered and includes Medicare Part D consultations, family/caregiver meetings, senior technology training through the Southeast Area Agency on Aging and Disability/Tech Goes Home partnership, various educational programs about a number of topics from foreign policy to cultural diversity, Christians United for Israel programs and Tuesday Cafe (a lunchtime social group). Additionally, over 150 households participated in the Chattanooga Jewish Film Series and documentary series. The success of this program – which is evident in the participation of individuals not regularly coming to the facility, means that the Federation will add non-portable streaming to their facility renovation.
A local senior and former educator who lives alone was not regularly attending programming at the Federation. She was limited by transportation, as she is not comfortable driving after dark or in poor weather and only drives within a limited range. As the pandemic set in and social engagements became limited, she turned to cable television for stimulation. Then, JFGC began significant virtual programming and she was able to attend classes and lectures on a regular basis. One afternoon, she called the Executive Director and asked him to maintain virtual programming, even as the Center reopened. Her plea, along with others, prompted the installation of a non-portable streaming system to allow seniors to continue to engage with one another and with continued learning.
To read more success stories and learn about the impact made in the Greater Chattanooga community, see our impact report.