

You want to make a difference. We make it easy. Our dedicated volunteerism team is here to help connect you to meaningful volunteer opportunities today!

We bring volunteerism to you!

Are you part of an organization that is passionate about giving back? We’d love to handle the heavy lifting and bring inclusive volunteer projects directly to your team through our onsite services. Increase company morale and learn about local nonprofits, all while making a difference! Build organizational impact with us today.

Thank you to our corporate partners!

Our onsite volunteerism programming is currently in the piloting phase. Thank you to our first partners in this program, Baker Donelson and Environmental Solutions Group! Your care for community makes our work possible.

See upcoming volunteer opportunities

Through iHelpChattanooga, we offer a huge variety of volunteer opportunities year-round. Create your account, share causes you’re interested in, and sign up for upcoming opportunities today! Chattanooga is calling on you!

Questions About Volunteerism?

We’re here to help! Email us at [email protected] today.