Data Storytelling & Grant Writing Workshop (4-week hybrid course)
Hybrid workshop for new grant writing professionals or those looking to use data more effectively to define the need driving their mission.Join Cassie Nice(UWGC), Ashley Baldwin (Mission Increase) and your nonprofit peers for a virtual session on 9/4/24, where we'll share what to expect in a self-guided 4-week workshop, which culminates in a 4-hour in-person workshop on 10/2/24 (lunch provided).Participants will be provided with access to a shared folder with resources, deadlines to keep you on track, e-mails to touchbase, opportunities to connect on a virtual coffee hour.What to expect from this course:•Develop a collection of NEED STATEMENTS to address the problem(s) your organization is working to solve•Develop a collection of EXTERNAL DATA SOURCES that connect to this need•Develop a collection of INTERNAL DATA SOURCES that connect to need(s)- Qualitative & Quantitative (stories)•Clearly outline how an internal PROJECT/INITIATIVE will address need•Utilize rubric to EVALUATE proposals and PROVIDE FEEDBACK on peer work•APPLY LEARNING to UWGC 2030 Impact AgendaQuestions? Contact Cassie at [email protected]